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Continuing on our last article about things Canadians know more about Japanese than the average Japanese do<link>, here’s the reverse – things about Canada that Japanese visitors know more about than the average Canadian!
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Yellowknife – Fact: Almost all Canadians have never been to Yellowknife. This may be because Canadians living between Calgary and Northern Ontario often see the Aurora Borealis for free in the winter. However, if you ask any Torontonian, most will say that they’ve never been to Yellowknife.
イエローナイフ – 事実:ほぼ全てのカナディアンがイエローナイフには行ったことがない。それはおそらく、カルガリーからオンタリオ北部の間に住むカナディアンは、冬にしばしばオーロラを見ることが [Read more…]