・・・ここでNOがぐーーーんと増えたのでは?私もポイントカード系は嫌いです。だって、店によってシステムが違うし、キャッシュバックとかクーポンまではほど遠い道のりだし…。しかも、Shoppers のOptimumはもうすぐ(来年かな?)終わるんです(知ってました?)
Have you ever eaten in total darkness? Well, we found a deal and tried out O.Noir, Toronto’s theme restaurant with a blind/darkness theme. Here’s our experience and some cool recommendations.
O.Noir is conveniently located at Church and Bloor, which is walking distance from Yonge/Bloor station. It’s in a basement, which actually works really well since there’s no need for light. The concept behind eating in the dark is that without sight, your other senses will be heightened – in particular taste, so you can enjoy the food better.
お店は地下にあり、光のいらないお店のコンセプトにすごく合ってます。視覚なしに暗闇で [Read more…]
Believe it or not, Canadians know a lot about Japan. Here are a few things that Canadians might know more about than the average Japanese person.
1. Animation – especially Gundam toys, science fiction, and fan fiction. Otaku culture here is more mainstream and cool than in Japan. Not just for nerdy boys, pretty Canadian girls and young people of both sexes love cosplay, manga, and animation culture. There are several otaku conventions every year – the biggest one in the world being Comic Con in San Diego, with several celebrities and movie stars showing up. In Canada, Toronto’s equivalent, Fan Expo (http://fanexpocanada.com) also attracts celebrities and fans of comics, animations, toys, movies, and TV shows.
1. アニメ – 特にガンダムのフィギュア、サイエンス・フィクション、そして同人誌である。ここではオタク文化が流行っていて、日本よりもかっこいいとされている。オタク男子だけでなく、かわいいカナディアンの女の子や男女共に若い人々はコスプレ、 [Read more…]
“Ah! I gained 5 kilos since I arrived in Canada!”
“I have so much fat around my waist. I stopped wearing jeans and wear pajamas to school.”
“I went back to Japan, and my friends walked past me in the airport. They didn’t recognize me.”
A common complaint many Japanese when they come to Canada is that they gain weight – a LOT of it. It’s easy to understand why – Canadian food is much fatter than Japanese. Combine that with a busy student lifestyle and you have a recipe for a weight-gain disaster. Here are some tips.
多くの日本人が、カナダに来て体重が増えたことに不満を言う。実に多い。カナダの食べ物は日本と [Read more…]
One thing that Canadians do that Japanese don’t is leave item they don’t use anymore for other people to take. Usually, it’s not junk, but items that are perfectly usable. Canadians have many reasons for doing this.
– They don’t like throwing out or wasting something that’s still in good condition.
– They like sharing with people.
– It’s too much trouble to take it to a second hand store. In Toronto, most of the downtown second hand stores have disappeared due to expensive rent. The ones that remain are actually vintage stores or are for-profit thrift stores.
– It’s cool to be thrifty in Canada. Many Canadians boast about the deals they find and the items they’ve gotten for free off the streets.
カナディアンがして日本人がしないことの一つに、要らなくなった物を他の人が持っていけるように置いておくということがあります。たいていの場合は、それらはただのガラクタではなく、完璧に使える [Read more…]
Cuba is an incredibly popular vacation destination for Canadians because vacation packages are cheap. Havana, in particular, is very interesting – it’s full of culture, dancing, art, architecture, and interesting people.
During our stay in Havana, we met many locals, got familiar with the local art scene, and tried out some of the newest restaurants. For a long time, Cuba’s food has been pretty bland, partly because imported spices are difficult to acquire as well as government regulations on restaurant privatization.
私たちがハバナに滞在している間、たくさんの地元の人々に会い、地域のアートに親しみ、いくつかの新しいレストランにも挑戦した。長い間、キューバの食べ物には刺激がなかった。その理由の一つには、キューバ政府が私営レストランの経営に規制を設けている為、輸入スパイスを手に入れるのが [Read more…]
私は、コミッショナーと私と夫、夫の両 [Read more…]
Pride Week, in our opinion, is the best party of the year in Toronto! For Japanese, seeing such an open gay culture is a real surprise and plenty of fun, but there’s a lot to know! Gay culture has plenty of slang, many of which are really hentai, but here are some common not-so-hentai terms (But still sexual) you might hear, especially if you have gay friends. They’re kind of funny too! Remember, pride is about sexuality and being comfortable with all kinds of it!
プライド・ウィーク は、トロントで開催される一年で最高のパーティー!こんなにも開かれたゲイ文化を見ることは、日本人にとって大きな驚きとたくさんの楽しみをもたらしてくれるが、知るべきことはまだまだある!ゲイ文化には多くのスラング(俗語)があり、そのうちの多くは実に変態である。けれど、ゲイの友達がいる人は特に聞いたことがあるかもしれない、わりと普通な表現(それでもやはりセクシュアルだけど)もい [Read more…]
カナディアン・ロッキーの玄関口であるバンフ国立公園( Banff National Park)。毎年世界各国からの観光客を受け入れ、人々を魅了し続けています。今回はこのバンフ国立公園の中にあるレイクルイーズ(Lake Louise)を大満喫する方法を紹介します。
カルガリー空港から車で約3時間の距離にあるレイクルイーズ。時間を気 [Read more…]
ロッククライミングが趣味だというカナディアンの友人達に連れられ、トロント市内から車で北に向かうこと約2時間。ブルーマウンテンからおよそ30分の距離に、隠れたロッククライミング・エリアはあります。車を止め、 [Read more…]