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Cuba is an incredibly popular vacation destination for Canadians because vacation packages are cheap. Havana, in particular, is very interesting – it’s full of culture, dancing, art, architecture, and interesting people.
During our stay in Havana, we met many locals, got familiar with the local art scene, and tried out some of the newest restaurants. For a long time, Cuba’s food has been pretty bland, partly because imported spices are difficult to acquire as well as government regulations on restaurant privatization.
私たちがハバナに滞在している間、たくさんの地元の人々に会い、地域のアートに親しみ、いくつかの新しいレストランにも挑戦した。長い間、キューバの食べ物には刺激がなかった。その理由の一つには、キューバ政府が私営レストランの経営に規制を設けている為、輸入スパイスを手に入れるのが [Read more…]